Un chien et son maître

Un chien et son maître
Promenade Rivière Doncaster

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mercredi 17 mars 2010

Frustrated dog attacks cars/Case of bad dog management

Dog Subdued After Attacking Four Cars

Police in Chattanooga, Tenn., had to use pepper spray and a Taser to subdue a 3-year-old pit bull after it attacked four cars, including two police cars. What’s even more amazing is the damage this dog, Winston, managed to do. After chewing into the tires, he managed to tear the bumper off one of the squad cars. Winston’s owner, Nancy Emerling, told reporters she was surprised the police did not shoot her dog. She went on to say that Winston had never shown that kind of aggression toward anything other than “lawn equipment” and that she thinks the police car’s strobing blue lights or possibly the radar gun might have set him off.
Emerling was cited for allowing Winston to escape his two-fence enclosure. Winston is being held at the McKamey Animal Center, where animals involved in bite cases or other legal cases are kept. He has yet to show any signs of aggression since arriving there.
The case is scheduled to go before a city court judge on March 25. 

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